歌手 > Op1Band

乐队简介: “Op.1”中O=one; p.= plus; 1=one;1+1意为“看似随意,实则桀骜...


乐队简介: “Op.1”中O=one; p.= plus; 1=one;1+1意为“看似随意,实则桀骜难仿;看似简单,实则繁华与共。” Op.1成立于2019,是一支以小提琴为主奏乐器,键盘,贝斯,吉他,鼓为和声器乐的新兴“跨界器乐”乐队。其“雅痞”的乐队气质,不仅体现在乐队成员风度上,更体现在乐队自成一派的音乐风格上。 这些燃情于“雅痞”士心中的音乐格调使得才华横溢的主创们致力于创造出适合多年龄段,多种风格,古典与风雅结合,潮流与多元融的“Op.1”风格音乐。 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— About: Op.1 is short for “one plus one”. 1+1 seemingly casual but hard to imitate; 1+1 seemingly simple but full of prosperous hope. Band:Op.1 was established in 2019 as an emerging "crossover instrumental" band. Op.1 uses the violin as the leading melodic instrument with keyboards, bass, guitars, and drums as harmonic and rhythmical instruments. The “elegant-powerful” band temperament is not only reflected in the disposition of the band members, but also in the special style of music. The elegant -powerful personality and similar musical tastes made talented creators devote themselves of creating "Op.1". Op.1 combines classical and modern, trend and diversity. Their music is suitable for multiple ages of audiences and multiple styles of performances.