Swing Shine 2010年由法国音乐家Jeremy Lasry和中国音乐家林笛组成,他们挑选了一些中国和法国的老歌,加以改编,形成了一种特殊的中法混血的音乐风格,由浓浓的法国吉普赛音乐来演绎的中国老歌,以及用中文演唱的法国旋律是他们组合的特点。
Swing Shine formed in 2010 by French musician Jeremy Lasry and Chinese Musician LinDi. Their concept it's about mixing some old Chinese songs with modern gypsy style as well as writing new lyrics in Chinese on French popular songs. Also they wrote original tracks around this "French-Chinese Mixed blood style".
The duo got together in 2010 with the idea to melt traditional Chinese tunes with swing jazz from the neighborhood of the French gypsy jazz. They started exploring some classic Chinese, and French tunes, mixing styles, like “C’est si bon” arranged with an special Chinese touch for LinDi’s pipa and singing. Besides the re-edition of classics of Chinese and French old pop folk, they are producing their own music too. It’s easy to imagine that swimming into such musical chest must be very inspiring to create new idea,,,,,,