歌手 > Kashmir

小简介 kashmir是一支来自丹麦的乐队,成员包括:Mads Tunebjerg(贝斯) Asger Techau(鼓手), Henrik Lindstrand(键盘、吉他),Kasper Eistrup(主唱、吉他)。起初的时候,kashimir只是在哥本哈根一代从事一些玩票性质的艺术活动,画画插画,搞搞街头艺术以及被街头艺术搞搞之类。后来在一次静坐中,一颗苹果砸中了Kasper的脑袋,于是他们组建了一支乐队。Kasper回忆说 :“想让自己的声音被听见,最简单的方法就是把吉他插上扩音器,调高音量,一直演奏到观众留下或者离开。从事绘画或者朗诵是得不到这样的效果的。Kashmir十年前成军于哥本哈根。十年来,Kashmir从不回头,总是勇往直前迎接新挑战不妥协。Kashmir的完整性依然强烈而深远。在丹麦的摇滚历史中一路走来,Kashmir一直如此。他们上张专辑《The Good Life》在丹麦引起巨大轰动:双白金销量,场场门票脱销的巡演,六项丹麦格莱美奖,以及评论界的如潮好评。Zitilites2003年分别在瑞典、挪威、芬兰和荷兰发行。德国和澳大利亚在8月11日发行。其他欧洲国家也相继发行。Kashmir在2003年11月6日举行的欧洲MTV奖中被提名为北欧最佳艺人。他们于2003年在欧洲巡演。When Kashmir entered the Danish scene in 1993, it was clear to the Danish music industry and fans alike that new life was being injected into a moribund rock scene. Along with bands like Dizzy Mizz Lizzy and Inside the Whale, Kashmir were among the finalists in the DM i Rock (Danish Rock Championship) competition in the spring of 1993. Formed in 1990 in Copenhagen under the name Nirvana, the band started out as a trio. Various lineup changes and several discussions about the band name resulted in Mads Tunebjerg (bass), Asger Techau (drums), and Kasper Eistrup (vocal/guitar) adopting the Kashmir moniker. Kashmir finished second in the DM i Rock finals and were signed to the newly established label Start in Århus by Poul Martin Bonde, who also produced Kashmir's first album, Travelogue. The album was released in the spring of 1994 and was a musical mix of Prong, Primus, Rage Against the Machine, Nirvana, and Sonic Youth, along with Kashmir's own added flavor. Funk-metal and grunge became an obsession to Danish youngsters, who immediately counted Kashmir as one of their absolute favorites, particularly songs like "Jamie Fame Flame" and the ballad "Rose."On their second album, Kashmir remained playful and filled with unusual ideas, and experimented with a mix of genres — but Cruzential (released in 1996 and produced by Ron Saint-Germain) was also darker and more hard-hitting compared to the mainstream form of their first album. It was obvious that Cruzential wouldn't spin off many singles or hits. With this growing reputation, Kashmir became respected by fans and the music industry, and the members found themselves involved in different projects during the mid-'90s, co-writing songs and recording albums for other Danish artists. After nine years together in Kashmir, the trio members' inspiration turned toward bands like Radiohead, as they began to write lyrics with more depth and personal perspectives. The Good Life was released in 1999, produced by Joshua (aka Jon Schuman) and mixed by James Guthrie. In many ways, it was a turning point for Danish rock. Kashmir's sound was big, authentic, and almost heroic; the songs were melancholic, dynamic, and emotional; and the fact that the album had been mixed in the U.S. by Guthrie brought hope for fans and the Danish music business that Kashmir could become internationally successful. Kashmir had became the most popular Danish rock band, scoring six Danish Grammys in 2000. Meanwhile, Henrik Lindstrand (guitar, keys, vocal) had joined the band in 1999 as a live musician and later became the fourth member of Kashmir. Four years after the release of the formidable The Good Life, the band's Zitilites album was released in the spring of 2003, produced by Kashmir at their own Petite Machine studio in Copenhagen and mixed by John Cornfield in England. It was clear that Kashmir had been missed and the band stayed on the road in Scandinavia and Europe until the end of 2004. From this point on it became easier for the band to write songs, and two and a half years after the Zitilites album Kashmir surprised everyone with a new album — this time featuring the band's two biggest heroes, David Bowie and Lou Reed. Eistrup met Bowie during a stay in New York and was stunned when Bowie claimed to be a fan of Kashmir, having several of the group's albums. Reed joined the band for a spoken role in the song "Black Building." Dark and with Pink Floyd-style experimentation, "Black Building" was featured on the album along with tunes reminiscent of Smashing Pumpkins, My Bloody Valentine, or the Cure. In 2007 Kashmir began touring and writing songs for their sixth album.