歌手 > 八仙 8Immortals



八仙8Immortals是一支长居中国北京的独立摇滚乐队,由主唱王帆和制作人闫明琛组成。他们将车库摇滚的躁动与东方迷幻的绮丽相熔铸,以多元融合的形态尝试另类摇滚的更多可能性,用声音与文字编织光怪陆离的异想世界。 8 Immortals is a Beijing-based indie rock band formed by lead singer Wang Fan and producer Yan Mingchen. They fuse the raw energy of garage rock with the mystical allure of oriental psychedelia, pushing the boundaries of alternative rock through genre-blending experimentation. Their music constructs surreal dreamscapes where sonic textures and poetic lyrics intertwine, creating fantastical auditory dimensions.