歌手 > Eva & Sin

澳門音樂人 Eva & Sin 澳門土生土長夫妻音樂人Eva & Sin 年少輕狂時結伴同遊世界...


澳門音樂人 Eva & Sin 澳門土生土長夫妻音樂人Eva & Sin 年少輕狂時結伴同遊世界二十多國家 旅居葡萄牙並進修拉丁爵士 演奏爵士樂及巴葡BossaNova 葡萄牙聖約翰節、日本Terra de Art 、中國北山世界音樂節、深圳衛視大灣區綜藝節目、澳門Hush Full Music沙灘音樂節、澳門爵士大樂團成立音樂會演出嘉賓 We are a husband and Wife band from Macau S.A.R. Mainly in Jazz and Bossa Nova, Brazilian tunes & oldies rearrange. Here are the Home studio records that full with Love & blissful mood , delicate. We wish you enjoy. : ) and our original album is coming soon. welcome to follow us :) ------- We are a couple married for 10 years, we had travelled 20+ countries , and lived in portal and learnt Latin Jazz. ever played in the Music Festival & Events of Portugal, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau S.A.R., Mainland China etc.