多乐园 Paradise Lots 成立于 2013 年 4 月 26 日,由名字都是迭字的主唱多多、女鼓手旺旺、贝斯手豚豚以及吉他手笑笑所组成。成团初期多多一人像海贼王一样将手举得高高的在外自弹自唱寻找伙伴,先是遇到了热情与才华洋溢的旺旺,接著遇到文艺气息浓厚的豚豚,直到 2014 年的最后一天 12 月 31 日,才终于遇到创作实力坚强的笑笑。
曾于 2014 年公开发行首张创作 EP 「回到那无忧无虑」,音乐风格直率、坦诚,可爱中带著坚定;坚定中带著些许的温柔,创作的内容贴近一般大众的生活。曲风清新,像是在绿草地嬉戏一般的自然、无害,因此我们将自己定义为「有机民谣」,同时也大量融合了流行、爵士蓝调、乡村等元素,让歌曲更加多元、动听。
Our band, Paradise Lots, was officially formed on the 26th of April back in 2013.
Vocalist - Dodow, Drummer - Won, Bassist - Dolphin, and Guitarist - Smile.
During the very beginning, like the Monkey•D•Luffy character in the One-Piece comic series, Dodow was a lone performer who sang and played the guitar looking for like-minded partners.
The first member is Won. She is enthusiastic and talented. The second is Dolphin. He has a strong literary style. The third is Smile. We met him during the last day of 2014. He is the most creative in our band.
We call each other by our names twice. This helps to make us feel closer. Our first EP,「Back to that carefree days」 was published in 2014. Sunshine, Air and Water are the three key elements of nature.
Listen to our music and you will feel like you are lying on the grass breathing the warm sun. Feel our spirit and rock yourself to a carefree mind.
Enjoy our “organic” folk music!