ismail YK İsmail YK (* July 5th 1978 in Hamm , as İsmail Yurtseven) is a Turkish pop musician. Along with his siblings, he has performed in children as Yurtseven Kardeşler (Yurtseven siblings) on. The YK in his stage name suggests. His first solo album Sapur Şupur he published in May 2004, worldwide, more than one million copies sold. His second album Bomba Bomba was published in May 2006, the third album Bas gaza followed 2008th All of his albums released by Avrupa Müzik that since 2005 the Yurtseven Kardeşler embarrassed. All three albums and several singles reached the charts in Turkey. İsmail YK 2006 had a guest appearance on the show and played Selena in the 2007 series Korkusuzlar.